Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (2024)

Sharma Ji

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Sep 18, 2012
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  • Today at 10:59 AM
  • #21,481

hussain0216 said:

The university movements are vital, from civil rights battles to anti war movements once you have the educated classes of the future then you can start to change societies

The U.S is a hold out under Zionist control, it sets the narrative for some other western states to hide behind and provides the money and weapons for Israel to survive

So once you can create a movement amongst the youth, college and university group's you can change America within a generation

At the same time Israel faces a demographic problem, multiple opposition across the world etc etc

It's all about multiple challenges everywhere

This is like the 'occupy wall st' thing.. just cringe, none of these far lefty commie leaning students are going to be leaders in the future.

You need proper intellectual voices making your point, students could do it, sure.. but there's nothing of substance here.. just a bunch of emotionally riled up kids, many of whom will go on to moderate, or indeed flip on their current stance as they learn life going fwd. A handful might go on to full time activism, a couple might get into politics.

In the end it won't matter.


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May 28, 2012
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  • Today at 11:02 AM
  • #21,482

Sharma Ji said:

This is like the 'occupy wall st' thing.. just cringe, none of these far lefty commie leaning students are going to be leaders in the future.

You need proper intellectual voices making your point, students could do it, sure.. but there's nothing of substance here.. just a bunch of emotionally riled up kids, many of whom will go on to moderate, or indeed flip on their current stance as they learn life going fwd. A handful might go on to full time activism, a couple might get into politics.

In the end it won't matter.

Yeah but they are not on their own,, they are just one part of a larger movement that spans the entire world

That movement has multiple scholars, professionals, bodies going right up to the U.N, ICJ etc etc

Millions of people are protesting, that's a movement

The students and colleges are just one small part of something much much bigger

The very fact that they are causing so much heartburn is why they are so important

Khorasan Black banners

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Dec 29, 2023
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  • Today at 11:07 AM
  • #21,483

The british made jewish terrorist regime which has occupied first Qibla of Muslims and has massacred and displayed millions of Muslims for 8 decades must get immediately destroyed instead of being recognized!

Destroying al-Aghsa and building temple of solomon over it is their next plan

They were afraid from rockets of Hamas and Islamic Jihad so they killed and displayed 2 million people and yet they want to destroy Rafah

It is duty of 2 billion Muslims to destroy and vanish these thugs



Apr 22, 2024
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Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (10)
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Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (11)
  • Today at 11:07 AM
  • #21,484

Sharma Ji said:

far lefty commie leaning students

You know the Far left movements are Jewish originated movements....
Liberalism origninate from Judaism and the idea behind it that you can be flexible on the laws given by God and argue with God hence the name ISRAEL..
Only and only if you drag your head out of mahahabrata and read history only then you will understand.
Can you be a Hindu without believing Hinduism? No
Can you be a Muslim without believing God? No
Can you be buddist without believing Buddha teaching? No
Can you be a Christian without believing on Jesus teaching? No
Can you be a Jew without believing God and Observing the laws? According to Jews yes you can be as long as your mama is Jewish.Lol
Hence the rise of the idea liberalism...
That a Jew can eat pork and still be a Jew.
Not keep Sabbath and still be a Jew
Don't believe in Torah laws and still a Jew...
Lenin was a Jew
Trotskyi was a Jew
The only exception they make is about Hitler who was from Jewish mother so he was the first self hating Jew.
Well to be honest many Muslims are like that these days too. So Can't be baised and say it's Jewish thing only, it's everywhere nowadays....

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Sharma Ji

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Sep 18, 2012
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  • Today at 11:19 AM
  • #21,485

hussain0216 said:

The very fact that they are causing so much heartburn is why they are so important

on the contrary, I'd argue they're helping the Zionists.

Sharma Ji

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Sep 18, 2012
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  • Today at 11:20 AM
  • #21,486

Keep them precious shekels in the family lol


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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  • Today at 12:01 PM
  • #21,488

Khansaheeb said:

Biden will lose anyway , most Americans are sick of the genocide and the giving to Israel of free hard earned American tax payer money while alot of Americans live in poverty and on the streets while Israelis party on the beaches and slaughter Palestinians in the streets.

Actually it’s close. Many will still vote for him because they hate Trump more and want to preserve abortion rights.

But this time around the youth are less enthusiastic about stopping Trump and voting for Biden.



Apr 22, 2024
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  • Today at 12:01 PM
  • #21,489

Sharma Ji said:

These young western kids, many of them hom*osexual and with communist leanings,

P Diddy infected... Jew lover....


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Jan 5, 2015
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  • Today at 12:02 PM
  • #21,490

omegalamba7xl9 said:

You know the Far left movements are Jewish originated movements....
Liberalism origninate from Judaism and the idea behind it that you can be flexible on the laws given by God and argue with God hence the name ISRAEL..
Only and only if you drag your head out of mahahabrata and read history only then you will understand.
Can you be a Hindu without believing Hinduism? No
Can you be a Muslim without believing God? No
Can you be buddist without believing Buddha teaching? No
Can you be a Christian without believing on Jesus teaching? No
Can you be a Jew without believing God and Observing the laws? According to Jews yes you can be as long as your mama is Jewish.Lol
Hence the rise of the idea liberalism...
That a Jew can eat pork and still be a Jew.
Not keep Sabbath and still be a Jew
Don't believe in Torah laws and still a Jew...
Lenin was a Jew
Trotskyi was a Jew
The only exception they make is about Hitler who was from Jewish mother so he was the first self hating Jew.
Well to be honest many Muslims are like that these days too. So Can't be baised and say it's Jewish thing only, it's everywhere nowadays....

You're mixing different things, religion with ethnicity.

Currently most of Jews are not religious, like most of Westerners are not christian, but it's a recent thing, whole history until XX century most of Westerners were Christian and most of ethnics Jews were religious Jews too.


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  • Today at 12:05 PM
  • #21,491

omegalamba7xl9 said:

Interesting points
1. George Bush in 2009 cancelled a tour to Switzerland because ICCJ papers was gonna be served and he cancelled at last moment. He haven't taken a trip to Europe since then. Even if you are from the country that is not signatory to it you can still be arrested in a country or a country who is signatory is bound to arrest...
2. Donald Rumsfuld cancelled Paris trip also for that reason doesn't matter he is dead but Dick Cheney also can't travel to Europe.
3. Now if arrest warrants are issued for Israeli PM cabinet as well as IDF personnel's and minister's. They won't be able to travel to Europe either ...
That means Nethanyahu can only travel to US, China, Russia, North Korea, Iran Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (34)Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (35)Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (36)

Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (37) You are dummy..
Students in 60s had draft hanging over their head ...
Students today are protesting because of conscience....
You must one of the biggest morons along with nethanyahu....

Students in 60s lived in real world.

American students today live in a fantasy world of undercovers, police informants, internet bots and Soros backed protests.

Main feature of current USA empire is LIES, and American people are the first victim of their state constant lies.


Think Tank Analyst
Dec 17, 2014
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  • Today at 12:06 PM
  • #21,492

Shadihassan28 said:

Honestly most average joe Americans don’t care I think that’s sometimes lost on people on this site vast majority of Americans don’t know where Jerusalem is let alone you ask them about Israel or Palestine

Exactly. And with more people being less or irreligious, they don’t even know what Jerusalem is anyway. They dont think of it like a modern living breathing city, but like a fairy tale.



Apr 22, 2024
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Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (42)
  • Today at 12:15 PM
  • #21,493

BHAN85 said:

Students in 60s lived in real world.

Again kiddo they had a reason too
It's called DRAFT
Draft means they were being forced to join military to go and serve in Vietnam.....
Students in 60s didn't want to fight and kill Vietnamese...
It's in hindsight we understand now that the students did the right thing...
Im sure you probably would be the one calling them cowards if you lived in 60s ..
In regards to students today
If this movement forces USA and world to bring criminal ISRAELI GENOCIDAL govt to Justice, then history will remember them as the greatest movement of all time...
Remember where coward Muslim leaders with all their weapon can't utter a word... These students without weapons fighting for what they believe in conscience and righteous cause....
Did you ever hear the term
" It's not OVER until it's OVER"
American politicians are scared for the first time of public in a very very long time...
They are nervous making mistakes after mistakes.....


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Jan 5, 2015
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  • 32 minutes ago
  • #21,494

omegalamba7xl9 said:

Again kiddo they had a reason too
It's called DRAFT
Draft means they were being forced to join military to go and serve in Vietnam.....
Students in 60s didn't want to fight and kill Vietnamese...
It's in hindsight we understand now that the students did the right thing...
Im sure you probably would be the one calling them cowards if you lived in 60s ..
In regards to students today
If this movement forces USA and world to bring criminal ISRAELI GENOCIDAL govt to Justice, then history will remember them as the greatest movement of all time...
Remember where coward Muslim leaders with all their weapon can't utter a word... These students without weapons fighting for what they believe in conscience and righteous cause....
Did you ever hear the term
" It's not OVER until it's OVER"
American politicians are scared for the first time of public in a very very long time...
They are nervous making mistakes after mistakes.....

The reason in the 60s there was not Internet, there was not IM bots everywhere and police informants slu*ts, and American politcians were real rulers and they were not Wall St bankers employees.

60s USA President, a true ruler and a true leader:

2024 USA President, Soros' shoeshine boy:

By the other side, in 60s American people married young and have children in their 20s. Adults were adults.

Now they are like Sodom and Gomorrah, eternal teenagers, perfect scenario to infiltrate by police informants slu*ts and control every "spontaneous" protest from FBI headquarters electronically through smartphone electronic surveillance.

Those protests are anything except natural and spontaneous, it's another Soros controlled color revolution.

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Elite Member
Apr 13, 2013
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  • 1 minute ago
  • #21,495

Must read

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Gaza-Israel Conflict | Dec 2023 (2024)


What is happening in Gaza in 2023? ›

An armed conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups has been taking place chiefly in the Gaza Strip since 7 October 2023. Clashes have also occurred in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and with Hezbollah along the Israel–Lebanon–Golan Heights border.

What is the conflict between Gaza and Israel? ›

On October 7, 2023, Palestinian militants attacked Israel, killing 1,143 people (mostly civilians) and beginning the Israel–Hamas war. Israel responded by bombing the Gaza Strip and launching an invasion that has killed more than 34,000 Gazans as of April 2024.

What's going on in Israel 2023? ›

The year 2023 in Israel was defined first by wide-scale protests against a proposed judicial reform, and then by the Hamas-led attack on Israel on October 7, which led to a war and to Israel invading the Gaza Strip.

Why is Israel blocking Gaza? ›

In response, Hamas fired thousands of rockets towards urban areas in Israel. Israel has said the blockade is necessary to protect itself from Palestinian political violence and rocket attacks, and to prevent dual use goods from entering Gaza.

Why did Israel give up Gaza? ›

The motivation behind the disengagement was described by Sharon's top aide as a means of isolating Gaza and avoiding international pressure on Israel to reach a political settlement with the Palestinians. The disengagement plan was implemented in August 2005 and completed in September 2005.

Does the USA support Israel? ›

Since the 1960s, the United States has been a strong supporter of Israel. It has played a key role in the promotion of good relations between Israel and its neighbouring Arab states—notably Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt—while holding off hostility from countries such as Syria and Iran.

Why are people protesting in Israel 2023? ›

From January to October 2023, large-scale protests took place across Israel in response to the government's push for a wide-ranging judicial reform.

How many Jews live in Israel 2023? ›

As of 2023, the world's core Jewish population (those identifying as Jews above all else) was estimated at 15.7 million, which is approximately 0.2% of the 8 billion worldwide population. Israel hosts the largest core Jewish population in the world with 7.2 million, followed by the United States with 6.3 million.

How many children have died in Gaza? ›

37,202 people in Gaza have been documented as killed, and another 10,000 people are missing. 15,694 children have been killed.

Why can't you enter Gaza? ›

Gaza is Level 4 – Do Not Travel. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) are conducting large-scale military operations in Gaza against Hamas, a U.S. government-designated foreign terrorist organization.

Who controls Gaza? ›

Israel controls the Gaza Strip's northern borders, as well as its territorial waters and airspace. Egypt controls Gaza Strip's southern border, under an agreement between it and Israel. Neither Israel or Egypt permits free travel from Gaza as both borders are heavily militarily fortified.

Are Palestinians allowed to leave Gaza? ›

But Israeli authorities have consistently denied this right and blocked Palestinian refugees from returning. Since Oct. 7, Israeli authorities have continued to block Palestinians in Gaza from fleeing into neighboring Israel to seek even temporary refuge from the hostilities, in violation of international law.

What is the condition of Gaza? ›

Gaza officials say 15,694 children killed and 17,000 are without parents after 250 days of Israel's war on Gaza. WHO chief warns of “catastrophic hunger” in Gaza, with 8,000 children under five years old suffering acute malnutrition in the war-torn territory.

Is it safe to travel to Palestine 2023? ›

We advise do not travel to the West Bank (excluding East Jerusalem) due to the volatile security situation. The security situation in the West Bank is unpredictable, with continuing tensions and violence between Israelis and Palestinians. This includes tourist destinations such as Bethlehem, Jericho and Ramallah.

Why are there so many children in Gaza? ›

Why do children make up such a large portion of the population? The reasons are varied. Many Palestinians simply don't get the chance to grow old — dying in their early adulthood either in conflicts or due to a struggling healthcare system — which drags the averages down.

What is the population of Gaza 2023? ›

The estimated population of the Gaza Strip for 2023 was around 2.1 million people. The Palestinian population of Gaza is relatively young when compared globally. More than half of Gazans are 19 years or younger. This is due to the comparably high fertility rate in the Gaza Strip of 3.5 children per woman as of 2022.

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