Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (2024)


Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (2)
On the move
  • May 5, 2024
  • #737

SPD Writes Gran Turismo 7's Car Of The Week: Week 54 - Renault R4 GTL

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (3)

Blue jeans can come in differing colors and trims, just so you know. Just like this one!

Before anyone accuses me of jebaiting that this is the MC20's writeup.. that's coming in the middle of next week. Now, back to the.. boring slow hatchback that I also called CORN by Dr. Weird that comprise of those shorts from Aqua Teen Hunger Force. I'm going to be reusing this joke again, so expect another set of pictures of a bunch of cars impaling me repeatedly the next time.

Ahh. Old tiny car. We sure have a good collection of these in GT world.

Dubbed the original hot hatch, the Renault R4's success stemmed from all the way back in 1956, which the president of Renault then, Pierre Dreyfus, wanted to make a car that he would call the blue jeans. Now, while it isn't in any form a car made of denim, or styled to look like trendy legwear, it was in the ideal that the car would be like jeans that it would adapt with societal needs as the 60's would come. And like jeans: he wants everyone, poor or rich, to be able to wear them. Meaning economical.

5 years later, badged to succeed a previous 4CV, the Renault R4 would be presented in the Paris Motor Show, with a few interesting quirks. Not only would it be the first FWD car with 4 doors and 4 seats, it would come with a few variants that included a proper saloon and van. The R4 also made use of the tailgate: being the first car that carried this honor used in many more today. And to bring in the masses it's eventually to get, Renault brought 200 of these outside said motorshow and asked people to go ham with it. That's what I call peak marketing.

Going through every detail of the R4 will turn this thread into a library, so we skip straight to the R4 GTL. Now, the words I'm sure you can figure out, meaning they combined a top performing GT variant with the most dashing of luxuries of an L. It also means biggest power of a measly 33 horsepower carrying 720 kilos. Not so much, but you don't buy these to go break the sound barrier.

Ending in 1992, Renault finished production of the R4 with the Bye Bye edition. Quirky, and cute, if you ask me. But all this history caused Renault to claim the R4 as the third most popular car sold to the public, behind the Ford Model T and the 1200, selling 8.1 million of these cuties about. And it's rather popular still today, with people collecting, tuning and restoring these.

Let's say I'm the only one with the balls to write on this forum of a car so unremarkable today but is otherwise in the history books and perhaps to many French personnel..

Well, I like to claim such, but.. there's a..
you gotta segue straight to the story title, okay?


Episode 54: A Small Problem

Tokyo Expressway
Inner Tokyo, Japan
Late Morning

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (4)

Freedom To Win
Masahiro Andoh
Gran Turismo: The Real Driving Simulator (JP)

No time to discuss the state of current Tokyo traffic and weather, a less crowded segment finds itself rumbling thanks to two supercars coming on board..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (5)

After her brutal attack last week, Candy, now accompanied by the killer of killers, makes good use of the warming Tokyo morning to measure her quick recovery..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (6)

As they agreed, the women instead drive opposing cars, with Candy not patient to have another rumble in what might be the greatest Ferrari ever made.

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (7)

But the rumbling of midships Ferraris don't reside with them alone..

The Sentinel
Judas Priest
Defenders Of The Faith

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (8)

Badged 'Nemesis' by the man inside: the Asian-American Badass that needs no introduction, the Group B Ferrari too takes to the speedy Tokyo road with all its might.

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (9)

And not far behind..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (10)

A small brown Renault too tries to make mince meat of peace and quiet on the morning commute, though that kind of imagination is left only to the driver to experience..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (11)

Candy's house
Ginza, Tokyo, Japan

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (12)

The morning progresses back as the women return to their abode..

Parked and the cars put to rest, they exit their respective machines..

Candy, however, was feeling like the world belongs to her, flexing and rotating her shoulders..

Candy: "That was exciting!"

Her pain now in almost all ways gone, she then looks towards her maid dressed assassin, as they start walking towards the front door..

Candy: "And intense.. enough that I can say.. think I'm healed quite nicely. That Helwalker drug really hit the spot!"

She then noticed a newly minted, warmly blonded Minori continuing without emotion, questioning..

Candy: "Minori-chan?"

Hearing her call, she instantly turns and replies, with a smile and semi-closed eyes.

Minori: "Is there anything you want, Candy-san?"

It might be a while they have been together, but Candy can't help but feel unusual of the situation..

Candy: "Oh, nothing. I.. umm.. can we go inside?"

Without a word, Minori turned back and opened the door, though she then hears another remark just as soon as she puts off her shoes.

Candy: "I'm not okay with treating you like this, Ginnie.. it's not like you to act like this."

Noted Candy with a hint of sorrow in her tone.

Taking this suggestion, Minori momentarily swaps face to her usual self and explains..

Minori: "Oh, bebe.. well.. The strongest woman on this planet, now delegated to serve. It does seem ironic, no? Even you are fooled, hehe.. strength isn't everything, bebe. I've been taking lessons, see?"

Candy: "Lessons? In fooling others, you mean?"

Minori: "You can say that. There's a huge favor somewhere I need from you for supplying the Helwalker's favorite painkiller, you know."

Candy: "I.. uhh.. thank you, Minori-chan. Looks like I have an idea should the human race be needing the secret to immortality, huh."

Now inside, Candy crashes onto the nearest cushion in her lounge room, and lies flat, until..

Minori: "One more thing.."

Candy: "Hmm?"

She turns around, seeing Minori standing in watch.

Minori: "You seem fairly.. familiar with having a maid around."

Candy: "I grew up with one. Means I know how to deal with one, treat one, and.. not f[BLEEP] with one."

Minori: "Ohh.. I better make sure you and our guests get a good lunch before our trip to Tsukuba later."

While Minori leaves, Candy repositions herself to a proper sitting position, asking to herself..

Candy: "Guests? As if.. plural? I know of.. that one guy.."

Still in thought, the roars of a Ferrari's V8 put that aside..

The Sentinel
Judas Priest
Defenders Of The Faith

Knowing that YouTube links just appearing attributing to a certain someone, she comments in a curious tone..

Candy: "Exactly, this one with the song coming in hot, but.. today, umm.. it's not Bohemian Like You. Hmm.."

She then turns to the outside view and sees the intruder entering her home driveway..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (13)

Candy: "And one's not enough?! It's another Ferrari?!"

Immediately rushing out, she puts on her slippers, and greets the Singaporean asswipe that comes..

Candy: "I swear.. after Ginnie's F40, you'd go get another Ferrari to go along?"

Sonny: "You'd be right, Candy baby. You'd be darned right. Thing is, I had my eyes on something else. The masterpiece that came before the F40."

She takes a look around Nemesis, knowing well this Ferrari being the..

Candy: "GTO.. enthuse me, then.."

With an unbreakable grin so wide, he began to lecture with great enthusiasm..

Sonny: "Absolutely, lahh. Bought it off some poor old fool who's dying. I mean.. well. not a fool, lor, but pretty much a guy who's got no heir but got families to feed. That kind of crap."

However, Candy didn't like the tone that screams 'narcissistic ass' and proceeds with a quick leaping smack, breaking his grin..

Sonny: "WALAO!"

Rubbing clean her palms, she comments grumpily..

Candy: "You are a piece of s[BLEEP], you know?!"

He regains composure, but flinches as Candy brings a more physical form of a jawbreaker ready..

Sonny: "That was that phase, don't hit me any more!"

Candy: "Or what?"

Sonny: "Or.. umm.. rawr!"

He shouted, as he raised his hands, and curled them like a tiger's claws, summoning the presence of a man who's just arrived.

Carlyle: "panting huff.. you's a called? Whew?"

Having being jumped one too many times, Candy, not surprised by his arrival, exclaims..

Candy: "Big deal, what's he going to do?"

Sonny: "Lyle, German suplex!"

As if his sweat and fatigue mysteriously disappeared, Carlyle adhered, quickly spitting aside his wheat chewed.

Carlyle: "Roger wilco!"

And at blazing speed he grabs the little lady's lower body from behind..

Candy: "KWAH! Heyy! LET ME GO!"

And bends backwards, crashing her upper body into the floor.

Showing his inner athelete, Carlyle remained in position, allowing Sonny to observe, and note..

Sonny: "Ahh? You got played, lah, girl! I can see your panties from here. I think Little Luce buys this brand too.. could it be??"

Candy: "ARGHH!"

She starts to struggle and try to let go, but Carlyle's athlete trained body didn't budge.

As much as he's enthused, observing with grim intent, Sonny then changed his mind..

Sonny: "Oh all right. Let her go."

He lets go and bends back front to a standing position.

Candy however lay straight on the floor, realizing the elements on her..

She jolted back up, growing even more infuriated as she feels her head..

Candy: "You ruined my hair! That goes so far up the list of people to kill!"

Carlyle: "Might I be's the one to suggest not taking that offer, Son?"

Sonny: "Yeah, let's be friends. I mean.. there's a whole list of people you've betrayed that day, Candy baby. And they're more gruesome than us hot dudes."

She might be scanning the two men for ways to beat them down, but not feeling it, she can only retort with aggression..

Candy: "Hot?! Hah! Don't amuse me."

Carlyle: "Though you got yourself a contract mean's you's be fine, I reckon."

Candy: "Don't remind me, again. By the way.. why are you here, Carlyle?"

Carlyle: "Pardon me's for a moment, lady and gent.. but it's because of THIS!"

He hopes to the side and points to the two racers of..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (14)

As if he was selling, he then pitched in..

Carlyle: "A genuine Renault 4! GTL, slow, small, but a fan favorite from the French within us! And going around like cookies on a girl scout's bazaar! Trust me, they's be going AROUND!!"

Taking out a small slip of paper from his trouser pocket, he reads..

Carlyle: "And today, I got an order here from a My-nawr-eeh.."

While Sonny remained amused of this obvious poor choice of pronounciation, Candy, with a mood settled, corrected..

Candy: "It's pronounced Me-noh-ree.."

Carlyle: "Ehh, well, gist is.. she needs a low profile rider and I got just the thing for her. 25 thousand credits, please."

Sonny: "It's on me, big L. Let's head in to seal the deal, bro."

Expressed Sonny as he wrapped his arm around Carlyle, thinking like a businessman.

The men then walked towards the home, while Candy, after quickly looking around the car, remembered, then warned..

Candy: "Guests, wasn't it? I'm thinking our Minori-chan's expecting you lot?"

Sonny: "You think, but it's not Sonny Meng if he doesn't KNOW, because.. One Step Ahead! Now, you remember: boots off.."

And while they get their footwear sorted, Candy, showing a slight frown, comments to herself under the sun..

Candy: "I like him, but again I admit it's true: he be the ass of all the asses.."

Huddling the men to a well prepared dinner table, the men take their seats.

Following suit, Candy takes her chair and asks..

Candy: "So, you've been handling the List in a certain.. form?"

Sonny: "You got that right. While Jake's got ahold of the veterans that list of Murph, big Fred, Lena, and even my bro Lee, I'm managing the likes of the new blood. Will, Lyle, Adachi.. The Guts, even. And not forgetting that freak bitch Nirvana!"

Carlyle: "That shady ass hoss apparently knews this all gonna happen, y'know. Her and Son here doing the hard carrying eventually, she meant.."

Sonny: "I'm not even sure why I'm okay with it, honest, lor.. I know! This is your fault, Candy."

It's a challenge, but while it's all in jest, she played it straight.

Candy: "As if!"

Sonny: "You gave her the idea that we're couples slowly falling in love with each other."

Candy: "It's not my fault she rolled with it."

Sonny: "If she is, it means it's a good idea."

Candy: "You thought that far, huh?"

Twirling with his spoon, Carlyle boringly asks..

Carlyle: "Remind me what's screwed her social capacity to the weirdo sunglasses gal?"

Sonny: "Found Cierra. Disobeyed orders to return her to The Big 3, and also give her up to Augur. Who, if you've been following proper, are the bad guys of this little episode."

Knowing her friends are now apart of it, Candy objected..

Candy: "Bad guys? Suure, but I have a hunch it's more than that."

Sonny: "Even though we got pals like Little Luce in it, I still feel bad guys are the most accurate description they're gonna get."

Carlyle: "Don't take it funny like, doll, but you's and yer little book club are just much too cute to be bad guy material. No offense."

Candy: "None taken."

From the other side of the room, Minori arrives, carrying a tray filled with plates..

Minori: "And everyone's here! Make way!"

Unsure what to expect, Candy slowly begins to inspect the food presented..

A whole roster of sushi, she then notices..

Candy: "This.. is grade A sushi! Uhh.. how?"

Minori: "Would you believe.. him?"

She then pointed to Sonny, who makes the face that prompts the imaginary destruction of whatever's behind him.

Candy, having not seen this in a long time, quotes while disturbed..

Candy: "Did I just see my decor exploding, or.."

Minori: "You better say something, before something else explodes."

His grin growing, he then cracks his neck and spoke..

Sonny: "I taught her."

But what follows is the most obvious response to anyone with any hint of the arduous process in sushi making.

Candy: "Bull. S[BLEEP]! Don't even try! I know it's bu[BLEEP]it!"

Minori: "No, wait, it's sort of true. That penthouse is rife with people with great chef skills. Please observe.."

Picking up a pair of prepared chopsticks handed to him, he began to explain a small chapter of his past..

Sonny: "It all started when I met Adachi for the first time. We had a race, called it a draw, and got along in some high end sushi joint, says something to the line of: I bet if you make sushi, it's going to suck, and, me being this amazing, all skilled individual of no equal, took that personally. Bought knives, took classes, and guess what: I never gave up from then, and that was years ago."

It sounded like it was made up, but Candy recalls Sonny's general honesty despite who he is.

Candy: "I'm asking him the next time I see him.. I can't believe there's no way he's lying with that attitude."

And he knows enough..

Sonny: "Keep them coming. [teeth shines]"

Carlyle: "Being truthful ain't to brag about."

Sonny: "You can't ruin my moment. I have to show my mastery of a top tier culinary skill."

As they start choosing and collecting on their plates, she thought of Minori and Sonny sitting next to each other..

Candy: "Anyways.. you really can take being missing a maid for the foreseaable future?"

Sonny: "That's where you're wrong. Andrea's back at home base, Gin."

Minori: "Oh, magnifique! Tell her I said bonjour."

Sonny: "Gotcha, darling. I hope you didn't poison any of this stuff like the last time."

Minori: "The more you say, the more tempting it is."

Sonny: "I'll make sure I won't get the first bite next time."

While Candy can't help being ware of Sonny and Minori's chemistry, she turned to Carlyle, drooling while admiring his newly built, stack of sushi..

Candy: "Those eyes. I know you're like vision impaired, Lyle-san, but.. it seems you're not hiding that you like sushi?"

Carlyle: "Doll, I LOVE sushi! My first date with Miss Miranda was in this WONDERFUL sushi spot by Newport Beach. I celebrate birthdays with sushi. I've got a hard on for these fish.. when done right. And now I mention it, so does Miss Miranda."

Sonny: "Just don't mention fugu to Candy."

Carlyle: "Oh, hahah! Why's that? Had a bad episode?"

Candy: "Yessir. Bad is an understatement."

Carlyle: "Wanna hear something scary? Murph's been going into fugu, ya heard? He be juggling that with his usual bacon in his system."

Sonny: "Beh, it runs in his daredevil blood, Lyle. He'll be fine."

As they prepared to eat, Sonny raised yet another point, as he skillfully plays around with his chopsticks..

Sonny: "Ginnie, I thought you hated the maid outfit."

Minori: "That I do. You barely buy me new ones when the set you provide me are.. not to my body's fitting."

Sonny: "Just that.. it's tough when you're not sharing your measurements."

Naughtily he looked on his associate's body, but Minori glanced back, embarassed..

Minori: "I-I don't have to remind you who I really am!"

Sonny: "Nahh. With certainty I know this new one's from the Guild, I wager?"

She returns to form after seeing Sonny's suave speech..

Minori: "Oh, you! Well, it is. Same guy who makes the Outlaw's armor."

Sonny: "Ginnie, my dear, frankly, Jake's power armor.."

Everyone recoiled back as Candy reacted with a sudden stand.


Carlyle: "Jumping jellybeans!"

Minori then explained, intrigued..

Minori: "Power armor? Oh, Kate did mention it one time.."

Candy: "It's about time I get one, and you're all going to help me!"

Rubbing his stubble, Sonny explains..

Sonny: "That kind of tech's screams military grade. You don't look like the military type, Candy baby."

Carlyle: "Don't take it the wrong way, cutie pie, but even someone as jacked up like Miss Minori here too wouldn't be able to handle it."

And to top it off, she responded..

Minori: "More metal on metal is asking for more internal injuries. So you're good."

Ganged up, Candy sat back down, looking down in defeat as she muttered..

Candy: "Why you all have to start saying no.."

Sonny: "Because, trust me on this one beh, it's not only ridiculously expensive, but I'm risking my ass to some underworld gangster like bro who are going to ask questions. Especially when they ask for why it's gotta be your size."

He then however noticed as Candy stooped down, her neck is in full show, and saw a faint red mark..

Sonny: "But.. I guess I'll make an exception. I still see those cigar burns on you, baby.. You really ticked her off, and that's a win in the bible of Sonny Meng!"

Candy: "You're joking, right?"

Sonny: "What? It's not April Fools, right? What do you say?"

He's honest as always, she thought, so she didn't relent..

Candy: "Uhh.. I really was giving up inside so.. I.. thanks!"

Sonny: "Thank me later when you get it. I'll DM you the little things, since it's a girl thing to be SO particular, lor."

Carlyle: "And a.. was it around 100 thousand credit bill?"

Minori: "I'm guessing more. Like a lot more."

He knew the numbers, but Sonny thought it wasn't nice to peeve and shifted the conversation to another wavelength, asking..

Sonny: "How much did you pay for your cyborg upholstery overhaul, Gin?"

Minori: "To be honest.. I don't remember. As long as I know Kirk can maintain my body, I'm good."

In the middle of chewing, Candy then swallows and inquires.

Candy: "Peculiar.. you know, Son: I haven't heard mention of Kirk for quite some time.."

Sonny: "Oh no? Let fatso be as obscure as he wants, baby. He's at home base because he wants to. If I had to guess.. if he's not in culinary school.. I wager he's binge playing Street Fighter 6. Don't you play games, Candy baby? Back I come here again and again, I do see that high end PC of yours.."

Candy: "I.. need to find out what's right for me."

Sonny: "Hmm.. you tell that to your big sis Jess. If she's not doing computer work, she games."

Candy: "Peculiar. What's she into?"

Sonny: "RPGs. West, east, as long it pulls her to a fantasy world, lor."

Lower face smothered with puddles of soy, Carlyle then adds..

Carlyle: "Her hubby's into games too, y'know. I know, out of character, don't you think?"

Candy: "I wonder what he's into. Oh wait, you're here."

Sonny: "You know it. He's into.. would you believe racing and fighting game e-sports? Must be his family's competitive nature seeping into that, lor."

Feeling the talk carrying on and the lack of movement on table, Minori exclaimed, slightly disturbed.

Minori: "Enough talk! I fear the food's getting cold if we keep the talk going!"

Candy: "Sushi? Cold? Umm.. did we sit here for a millenium, or.."

Sonny: "I get that a lot. Kirk and I.. we never shut up on the table. I dig your open house table, Candy baby. You got a knack for having guests around."

Carlyle: "Not to mention I's be wanting 3 more rounds!!"

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (15)

With all four exit the home, the cool breeze blows as they close in the miniature Renault..

Candy: "So, there's a Sunday Cup Classic in Tsukuba later, and.. we're bringing Minori-chan to race?"

Sonny: "It's to get her familiar with the R4. She keeps all the winnings, and we get to be special guests!"

Minori: "Lesson 4: money's always a sealed deal for me, bebe."

Carlyle: "I was thinking why she needs another car? Japan's good for walking at most times."

As Carlyle gave that idea, her thoughts then triggered..

Minori: "Umm.. I was shopping, and an Interpol agent recognized me even under all this makeup and radical blonde hairdo."

As she enters the back of the Renault, Candy remembers better of the situation..

Candy: "No, Minori-chan, your Ferrari's on their most wanted list. And they saw it."

Minori: "Oh, that too. You're lucky I know how to drive!"

The men watch the women from a short distance, soon after they comment..

Sonny: "She's confident to fit all their stuff on the front of the F40?"

Carlyle: "I.. don't knows how to answer that. I'm pressing X to doubt on this 'un."

Checking the rear, Minori then looks to the men..

Minori: "Shall we get going, then?"

And as Candy settles in..

Candy: "I'm not sure who's idea is it to fit us all in this.."

And on the outside, Sonny blasts his way to the passenger entrance, declaring..

Sonny: "I call shotgun!"

Carlyle: "D'aww shucks.."

Candy: "I knew this was going to happen."

Sonny: "What, it's in the Sonny Meng corporate slogan! Sorry, hotshot, but that's the rule of nature."

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (16)

With as much intensity as she took it, Minori brought the R4 out to the expressways..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (17)

Minori: "Aww, is that true? I just noticed there's no tacho inside."

Sonny: "Yeah? You gotta deal with it, beh. My real trouble now is that.. it feels like a kei car in here."

Carlyle: "Ya think?! They be handling me like Jess's Copen back here. Least I'm in good company."

Candy: "Hands. Off!"

With empty roads, Minori looks behind..

Minori: "Must be tight for you two back there."

Candy: "What are you talking about? Oh wait. Now I get the perks of being small."

Carlyle: "That smug face.. WHY YOU LITTLE-"

Still watching Carlyle about to make a pretend choke, Minori didn't take heed of the amusem*nt factor..

Minori: "You touch her and there's a bullet with your name on it, fat ass."

Sonny: "Whoa."

Carlyle: "She really got you shielded up good, doll."

Candy: "I'm not paying you to do that, Ginnie, but if it's bodyguard wages you want.."

She turned around and focused her augmented sights back on the road..

Minori: "Well, you better have some form of gratification at the ready, bebe. For now.. enjoy the drive."

Just as Ginoa looks ahead, Sonny places a cassette in the radio, playing..

In The Real World
The Alan Parsons Project

With something this pathetically slow, there's only one spoiler for analysis and tuning. This is the norm for this, don't raise those pitchforks yet. You know, if I have something to say about the Renault 4, it's that there's very little it has to offer in terms of a car's character. So the eyes have to not only come out, but they have to be looking for the little things that has to be noted. It made me wonder: how did I end up writing paragraphs for the Willy's MB and the 595 Esseesse?

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (18)

What do I have? Well, we do have the hullabaloo that is the car coming without a tachometer makes it hard to measure when to shift. You had to be thinking: what were the French into to think this being missing is a good idea? It would be if the car's an auto, or an electric, but we'e much too far in the past for that to be considered. More realistically, in the 10 years I've driven in various cars, I wouldn't be looking at the tacho as vigilantly as the road up front and the speedo, so maybe that's where the mindset came from? I dunno, you don't have to take my experience at full brunt, y'know.

Aside the pace, maybe something else to talk about is the handling. It's an old FWD hatchback, and if we looked back some nominees in weeks prior, the gimmick of FWD cars being slow thanks to their handling is slowly being creeped away. The Swift Group 4 being a econobox crammed with bliss then put on bliss, and the FK8 being a real ripper to take out no matter how many horsepower it doesn't have.. it's just examples of the future of hot hatches being bright. Coming to where it started, it might be what makes the R4 terrible to drive.. if it was. It sold 8 million units, and I know word of mouth is a powerful way to tell if it sucks or not. And you don't need a 3 figure IQ to tell the R4 doesn't suck. The only way I can compound this is to just.. drive it! It turns, while hanging out 175 mm high, and when it turns, the understeer it produces is underpronounced, so much you swear if you take it out the corner correctly, you're driving the precursor to the mentioned Swift Gr.4.

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (19)

I'm going to stay away from speed and acceleration, because while there's none of that in good amounts, the R4 has a powerband with poor torque past the 2500 RPM mark, meaning short shift? There's two issues with that. It's too slow to get a benefit out of it unless we're at Route X, and.. no tacho. It's going to be the Achilles' heel of the thing, isn't it? There is the skinny tires which should mean grip sucks, but at this speed and drivetrain, it doesn't admit to that kind of smack talk. And keeping in line with grip, you're not going to lose this by spinning the wheels, because no matter how bumpy or uneven the road may be, the front wheel will still keep rolling properly. With those thin rubber, this is a plus.

You know I can't talk much else about this kind of performance and character, so tuning it is! The R4 sadly, as of writing, carries no engine swap. It'd be a win already if it can claim the Clio RS powerplant, and we're already promised to not get the EK8 Civic Abarth experience thanks to it having a non-issue slipping out even when fully kitted out, and of course being FWD to begin with. That might arise a whole different issue, but we don't quite know what that might be.. yet?

On to the car itself: while there's a whole menagerie of things you can do in GT Auto, you can't make it look like it's cursed without livery, of course. On to Understeer, and it has a turbo option. Take it. And High-RPM to me is the only option, as it settles nicely with the torque being much better at late RPMs. Not to mention while all the RPMs don't do anything to it in the big picture to warrant deciding another. So, high it is!

What's nice about the R4 is in the suspension options.. the R4 has dabbled in rally, after all, so it comes in tall, and you can make it taller. Or you can keep it slung low for those perfect Goodwood moments. Stiffen everything while you're at it, of course at your own discretion. A fully churned out R4 with sports tires can reach to the levels of the 276 agreement lot, but don't expect to compete with that bunch at all with this car. Not until it gets an engine swap, of course.

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (20)

And that's it. I'm at a loss for words, y'know? And you know what: the French knew what they were doing. It's slow, but not everyone cares about speed.

I was thinking of a haiku, but what does make sense instead of something about cherry blossoms or the winter night is that.. Do you buy jeans to run on track?

Candy: "I've driven that 595 Abarth that time, Lyle.. this felt a whole lot quicker than that."

Carlyle: "Thinkin' this one's refurbished from a Group A rally racer. Hey, there be like upwards of 50 of them's I sold the past month, doll. Man's mind don't remember everything."

Tsukuba Circuit
Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (21)

Nothing but perfect conditions thanks to the sun and the enthusiastic roster of drivers and spectators for today's small brawl.

The bronze R4 from earlier makes its appearance, now idle in the pits..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (22)

As the people inside exit its tight insides, Carlyle extends his limbs and pats his warmed shoulders, then inhaling the great clean airs present outside the crowded cities..

Carlyle: "Ahh, Tsukuba. Remember our last outing here, Son?"

Sonny: "Where Fred slaughtered us all with that truck of his, oh hell yea."

As Sonny joins in on the view of Tsukuba's famed start line, the ladies..

Candy: "I-interesting, yes, but I need to have a trip to the washing room. Minori-chan, if you please?"

Minori: "Alright. I do fancy me a wash myself. If you'd excuse us."

..leave the scene just as quickly the cars would travel past the final turn..

The men then take a quick look at the Renault, with its keys left inside.

Carlyle: "We should be the good gentlemen's we's are and fill up."

Sonny: "A-to the-G to the-REEEEE! Let's get to work! This runs unleaded, right?"

And as they get to work, Carlyle frees the hood latches and inspects the inner workings, as Sonny grabs and heaves a can full of petrol.

As their work go on idly..

Carlyle: "Muh.. I guess you're right."

Sonny: "On what? Because I'm always right."

Carlyle: "Those two make up a pretty fine duo."

Sonny: "I know better combinations. Just that it's the occassion that forces this pairing, lor."

Securing back the hood, Carlyle intends to check on the refuelling, but instead notices..

Carlyle: "Hang on a minute, is that?"

He sees a small group of well suited individuals, but also noticed the one lone member that's smaller than her contemporaries.

Carlyle: "Yeah, I know that bod from a mile away. What says you's, Son? Uhh, Son?"

He turns to see the fuel can all settled and sealed, with Sonny already on the prowl towards the group earlier was.

Sonny: "Follow them? Good idea! Try to keep up, slowpoke!"

Carlyle: "Oh. My. GOD!"

Shouted the chubby man in frustration..

Sonny: "Hehey! You'll get used to it, my favorite little hotshot."

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (23)

Exiting the wash rooms, Candy steps out, hoping for a pleasant day..

Candy: "Phew.. I am so ready for this day!"

Izumi: "FREEZE!"

sigh, never mind..

Now with a pair of guns in front of her face, she reacts accordingly, hands high above in an instant..


However, a quick look at her assailants got her thinking a way out is more than possible.

Candy: "W-wait! Ch-Chunhua! Izumi-san!"

Izumi: "HAHAHAAAH!! She remembers! I'm flattered. How's it been?"

Candy: "Put down the gun.. and I'll tell, honest!"

She, and the man beside her, then put their guns back in the holsters, bringing back the calm of the situation.

Izumi, adjusting her cheongsam, then explains..

Izumi: "I will, but this was all my partner's idea."

Candy: "Partner! You mean Rin-san?!"

The two agents step aside, revealing a petite Japanese woman, ready to greet..

Rin: "Little sis!"

Candy: "B-big sis!"

As everyone steps aside, they make a sisterly embrace.

From Izumi's side, Minori comes over..

Minori: "Oh, this is cute."

Izumi: "Ahahah, kage-san! I know it's you from a mile away."

And the man helping her then joins in..

Bernardo: "No, signora, it's because Rin told you."

Izumi: "Hehehe.. shutupbern."

Then from another angle comes a pair of pursuees..

Carlyle: "Jessiebelle? I didn't recall you's coming over here."

Rin: "Lyle-san, you know I don't tell anyone about work."

Carlyle: "Gosh, why'd I forget that?"

And the other man enters, facing an old friend..

Bernardo: "Sonny!"

Sonny: "Bern!"

The two men would spin, kick and jig, as if a pair of hot dogs on the opposite side of a swimming pool would..

Bernardo: "Hot dog!"

Sonny: "Jumping frog!"

Both: "Albuquerque!"

..before hugging it out like old friends would.

Carlyle then came to the other reunited women watching in great concern..

Carlyle: "Sure is a coincidink to run in to you this day, Jessie-mama. You working like usual, or.."

Rin: "Interpol got on their high horses hearing a high profile criminal being around in Tokyo.. after we meet with Son-son here, we're here to investigate.."

Candy though, with the piece to this jigsaw, explained..

Candy: "Hmm.. I think I have an idea how that happened.. it's our department store hijinks, Minori-chan."

Minori: "[whistles]"

As she began to distance a little, Rin then raised her brows and realized..

Rin: "Hooohh! And looks to me we got us out answer, teehee. Well, I guess we can use this time to keep up with my little sis!"

Bernardo: "And not arrest anyone? Ufufu.. I wonder what Lance will say about that?"

Bernardo might be a joker in heart, but a hard worker as well, which prompted the squad lead of today to recollect her excuses..

Rin: "Umm.. err.. just say it was all a.. prank?"

Bernardo: "To be using hundreds of dollars flying us here is in no way a prank, Signora."

Leaping to the side of her partner, Izumi chimes in.. not quietly, at least..

Izumi: "AHAHAHAA! We'll figure something out.. pfft.."

Now split apart, Candy admires the views of Tsukuba's start finish line from an elevated position.

The men by her however didn't leave any moment for an automotive lover's exhaust sounding peace.

Sonny: "Tell me, Bern: I see you're knee deep in this predicament between Augur and just about us dudes involved?"

Bernardo: "After that delivery, I figure it needs no explaining, vecchio."

Candy: "Is she okay? I mean Cierra.. don't tell me you didn't forget being the one that facilitate taking her to Augur, right?"

Bernardo: "She's doing excellently. With her good friend at her side, I fear something even bigger might manifest, ahaha! That much Bernardo can only share, I'm afraid."

Sonny now thought it's time to tease..

Sonny: "The Bern I know's always on the straight and narrow! Has someone been taking undercover lessons?"

Bernardo: "Why are you asking??"

A pause came, but Bernardo then suddenly broke it..

Bernardo: "AHAHA! Just a joke. I took to heart of Agent Maiden's teachings. I mean.. Izzy. She's got a talent for spy work."

Sonny: "It's in her history of achievements. I wouldn't mind getting super spy on to mine, ehehe [teeth gleam]."

This led to Candy quickly smacking his back with a leap.

It wasn't hard, but it was definitely uncalled for.

Sonny: "Oi! For what, eh?"

Candy: "I'd apologize, but trust me: if Lulu was here, it's much much worse!"

Sonny: "Ehh.. that's fair, that's fair.."

As Candy then went back into position, she then saw an empty bench, and delved back to a past time..

Candy: "Strange."

Bernardo: "What?"

Candy: "This is where I first.."

And as she imagined, echoes of a voice she once felt estranged towards..

"Yes, Nirvana hears you quite clear.."

She then came back, mellowed by the trauma of Nirvana's unbridled rage..

Candy: "Met Nirvana."

He then also remembered..

Sonny: "That was your first meet? Just so you know, I didn't mean to barge in, beh."

Candy: "She had such an unnatural aura. One that I've grown accustomed to in recent days."

Feeling her neck, she then came to her still visible burn mark, which prompted Bernardo..

Bernardo: "Dio, are those burn marks on your neck, vecchia?"

Candy: "Healing burn marks.. but looks like you saw, huh?"

Sonny: "She must be like 'how dare you' or something."

The mystery lady still strong in thought, Candy wondered, towards to her arch-nemesis..

Candy: "You ever.. had her crack before?"

Sonny: "I heard enough stories of it. I figure I'd be the last person she wants to lose her composure in front of, beh."

It's a bitter enemy, but recently that's not the case.

He then thought this isn't what I want to discuss, and had to escape..

Sonny: "Well, it's nice being around you all, but Ginnie needs some pointers before her cute little race. Who else better than to share that but myself.. SONNY MENG, OUT!"

He left, feeling suave like he always is.

The two that remain make use of the emptied bench, and sat.

Bernardo: "Charming, isn't he?"

Candy: "After the hordes of explosions, general annoying vibes and intrusive musical entries, I'm already used to it."

Bernardo: "I've known him for more than 10 years. He's not always like this, you know. Money and fame can corrupt a man."

Candy: "You tell me. Lulu told me you're not a slouch in money yourself."

Candy then went to thought, crawling a maze in her head until she reaches one of the many ends..

Candy: "Actually, Bernardo.."

Bernardo: "Si? You seek me help?"

Candy: "Yes, and no tricks now, okay."

Bernardo: "Alright."

Candy: "I'm in heat."

Hearing that, Bernardo comes off it feeling like a cucumber in a fruit aisle..

Bernardo: "Umm.. Alright. You're asking the wrong man for advice on period.."

Candy: "No, not in heat in terms of.. I mean, heat when it comes to giving Cierra up to Augur."

Understanding after a quick think, Bernardo speaks out..

Bernardo: "Ahhh.. pressured, is it? Don't say Bernardo wasn't ready for this, but vecchia, tell me: is that how you perceive it?"

Candy: "Huh?"

Bernardo: "From what I saw that day, that young beret wearing girl showed a smile for what I assume is the first time in months. I don't need to clue you further, si?"

He spinning the tale, but there's no reason he had to spin it this much, she thought..

Candy then saw what he meant, readjusting her view on what she did..

Candy: "So.. instead of.. saying they got her.. she got what she wanted?"

Bernardo: "Magnifico! You got it! Which is why you won't get no arguments from me and from Sophia."

And as Candy realized, she then got on her feet as the sound of classic cars surround them..

Candy: "I'll have to stand up then. The Big 3 needs to know they can't hold Cierra hostage no longer."

Bernardo: "Is that what you're seeing? I assure you they are just worried about this timid little talent of yours."

Thinking she needs more to work with, Bernardo explains..

Bernardo: "Bernardo parts with wisdom, vecchia: the Big 3.. I'm confident they aren't going to kill you. So relax! Maybe you can discuss over a cup of coffee. You'd be surprised how smooth things go over lunch."

And with that idea in mind..

Candy: "Huh. I'll give it a shot. Umm.. thanks, Bernardo."

Bernardo: "Happy to help, mia cara."

After that, Candy had just enough height to notice..

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (24)

Candy: "Minori-chan? There she goes.."

He then follows, noticing the R4..

Bernardo: "Why, that is a small car. A Renault, was it?"

Candy: "They said it was the car that brought the hot hatch idea first."

Bernardo: "Is that so? I prefer the likes of a 500 over it regardless."

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (25)

Candy: "What's your take on this, then?"

Bernardo: "Considering the one who drives is a.. umm.. talent for taming an F40, her chances are pretty nice."

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (26)

Candy: "Do you think Lulu knows of her?"

Bernardo: "Perhaps they met, perhaps they have not. Vecchia, this I do not know how to answer."

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (27)

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (28)

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (29)

Just arriving back, the ladies start unfurling and lighting up the dark home..

Candy: "Phew.. home at last. I gotta say.. that car was built for you, Minori-chan."

Minori: "Why.. thank you! Don't mind me taking advantage of these Sunday Cup events all over this country."

Candy: "Only that it comes with no more department store hijinks. Now, I'm headed for the nearby onsen for a bath. You're welcome to join if.."

Minori: "That won't be needed. Remember.."

Minori places her point by taking out one of her arm blades and knocking her metal plated chest//

Candy: "Ohh.. right. I forgot. I expect my big sis to come over though, so if she's here.."

Minori: "I know. I'll take care of it, Candy-sama."

And as Candy readies to exit, she thought..

Candy: "That's efficient. I mean REAL efficient. Her perfectionist really shows, huh?"

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (30)

Done with her refreshing experience, Candy walks back to her home, noting the lack of additional cars.

She walks in the relieving joy of being under her roof, greeted by Minori..

Candy: "I'm back."

Minori: "Ehe. Welcome back, l-miss!"

Candy: "Thank you, Minori-chan. Well.. any sign of Rin-san?"

Minori: "Khe-no.. not at all. Or rather.. she's not here yet."

Candy: "Hmm.. odd. I suppose they have something else to deal with. I'll leave you to it then.."

Minori: "O-kay!"

However, as Candy moved to her room, she had a hunch something was amiss..

Candy: "Is it just me, or did Minori-chan get.. small? Must be the soothing bath salts.."

Car of the Week | Week 70: The Legend Comes to Life (Porsche 917 Living Legend) (31)

Now dressed for bed, Candy heads out of her room and heads for her kitchen, while brushing her hair..

She notices her maid cleaning her coffee set..

Candy: "Minori-chan?"

Minori: "Eh? Heh-how can I be of s-service?"

As Minori turns and stands tall, Candy then saw something even stranger as she puts her brush aside..

Candy: "(Now she's taller?!) Umm.. it's getting late. You don't have to clean the counters anymore.."

Minori: "Uhh, but, yes.. well, there's no rest for the w-wicked! Pfft.."

Candy: "You got that right, but I do want you up first thing tomorrow, you know?"

Minori: "R-right! Sorry.. I like your coffee grinder is all. Yes!"

Candy then thought it odd as she walks back out..

Candy: "Oh.. (Ginnie actually HATES cleaning the coffee grinder.. something is going on, or my name's President Richard John Clinton Washington the Third, and it's not!)"

Unaware, she then runs into Minori carrying clothes..

Candy: "Oh, you get around rather fast."

Minori: "You sure like to wander off into the mind scape, Candy-san."

Candy: "You got that right.. actually.."

She then backs to the kitchen to see her brush on the counter..

Candy: "I knew I left it here!"

Minori: "Heehee.. this calls for the vacuum cleaner."

Candy: "Still on the counter, Minori-chan?"

She then realized..

..and quickly looked back, to see Minori closing in with the laundry.

Candy: "Wait, isn't she? Wait, I know she's there, and now here?! Why am I seeing double?!"

She exclaimed with her hair messed and her eyes shrunk in manic confusion.

Minori then, putting her finger on her face, wondered what's going on, asking..

Minori: "Something up, bebe?"

Candy: "Oh, it's nothing, Minori-chan. Just that.. wait."

The Minoris then got in the same room, assuring Candy that she indeed is..


The Minori handling the coffee then snapped..


Candy: "I know the one person that can't help hold their laughter like that!"

Taking off her fake blonde hairdo, the coffee working Minori is none other than..

Izumi: "Would you look at-at that?! Fooled like a rat being led to a mouse trap!"

Candy: "This Minori-chan's much too.. umm.. flat and not artificially enhanced in any way."

Minori: "You got that right."

Candy then turned to the Minori handling the clothes, and saw the slots that hide her hidden blades, deducing at least this is the real Minori.

She also deduces that..

Candy: "This is yet one of big sis's funny little schemes, is it?"

Izumi: "HAHA! Oh yes! Yes indeed. Bernardo actually was going to be a part of this, but oh he is such a MAN!"

As Izumi takes off the eerily similar maid outfit, Candy then remembered of the smaller Minori..

Candy: "Where's Rin-san now?"

Minori: "On your computer. She's a tech wiz and couldn't stop working her way through your, as she says, messed up software."

Candy: "I'm going to dock your pay for going along with this, Minori-chan.."

Minori: "Oh no.. anyways, to the TV room?"

A quick intermission comes and goes as the ladies gather at the now crowded TV room to see the last impostor maid having a time on the PC..

However, the owner of said PC..

Candy: "BIG SIS!"

Rin (as Minori): "Big who, now?"

Minori: "It's over, Kate, back to normal for you."

Amused by this whole issue, Rin then tossed aside the blonde hairdo..

Rin: "About time! Our disguises were on point this night."

Candy: "Don't tell me the dark one told you I'm the lab rat again?!"

Thinking for a moment, she then replied, as if it was perfectly destined..

Rin: "Oh snap, my little sis is quite bright."

Izumi: "Pfft.. b-bright is not what I had in.. in.. hehe.."

Minori: "Regardless, an idiot is not what I can describe madame Candy, so you know.."

Candy then comes close, querying on why her friend's rummaging her computer..

Candy: "Rin-san, since when is it okay for you to just.. go through my virtual stuff?"

Rin: "I'm not just doing that, little sis.. I'm setting it up for cyber protective reasons. There are red flags EVERYWHERE! What if there was a virus from some dark forces out there, ehh?"

Understanding her digital paranoia, Candy takes great advantage of Rin's presence..

Candy: "I suppose now that you're here.. I need to know if Jake's told you anything I might want to hear."

Rin: "In Augur? Umm.. my partner can help with that."

Like a wolf to their prey, Izumi leaped onto the other Asian women.

Izumi: "Did somebody say.. say.. HELP?!"

Rin: "WAA!! H-heyyy!!"

Candy: "I-IIIITAAA!! Y-yes.."

She got off quickly, then after, asked..

Izumi: "To be honest this is more Bernardo's thing, you know. Where is he anyways?"

Rin: "Probably getting drunk somewhere nearby."

Izumi: "I figured as much.."

Thinking of the three men and a good time drinking away the sorrows of life, Rin then remembered..

Rin: "Which is strange.. I know Son-son doesn't drink. I'm guessing they're at one of those non-alcoholic bars."

Candy: "There's one a couple blocks away.. I wonder if they've planned for this, because.. I didn't say a thing."

Rin: "You make me SO jealous of your real estate luck, little sis!"

Candy: "Hey, focus! That's my desktop you're trying to fix!"

Minori then asked as she entered and repositioned the cushions for her slumber..

Minori: "What about Jacob?"

Izumi: "Last I hear.. he's doing dirty work. When I mean dirty.. I mean.. teehee.."

Izumi points towards Rin, and Minori got the hint with the shadowy tone she gives out..

Minori: "This will be good, oui? Outside?"

Izumi: "Ohh hoho! Kage-san, I didn't know you were so.. so.. khkk.. EAGER!!"

The two left the room, leaving the unofficial siblings to remain..

Rin: "And there we go!"

Candy: "Huh?"

Gestured to point towards the desktop, Candy sees the desktop clear of clutter, but with a caveat: a picture of Rin squeezing her, then newly met little sister from Week 2..

Candy: "GWAAH! Rin-san!!"

Rin: "I know, you like it, right?!"

She's fuming from the inside, but it quickly quells as soon as she sees that smile..

Candy: "Hrr.. huhh... (that damned smile) well.. lay it on me, big sis."

Rin: "Gave it network and virus protections. Updated your software drivers. Optimized its storage usage. How's a test?"

Candy: "Oh? A test?!"

Rin went straight and double clicked on a desktop shortcut.

The screen darkens, which Candy didn't hesitate to question of..

Candy: "Now what did you do.."

Rin: "Installed Baldur's Gate 3."

Candy: "Did you just hand me an illegal copy of some fantasy nerd game?"

Rin: "Nah. If I was pitching, I'll just mention I bought it DRM free."

Candy: "I don't care what you said, but.. well.. at least I'm morally sound.."

She might've been given yet another favor from a friend she didn't deserve, but then..

Candy: "I don't know why but I feel like crying.."

Rin: "Ohh, I know why! I heard of your little threatening assault last week.."

Candy: "M-maybe. I just.. realized how I don't want to be alone anymore."

Rin: "Don't you worry, little sis. After my quick mission, I-I was going to surprise you.."

Candy: "Like you did with appearing in Tsukuba and dressing up like Minori-chan?"

Rin: "Ehh.. sort of. Okaa-san's back here with Alan and they might need some extra company. I'll be transiting from my place in Tochigi to Moto-san's pitiful excuse of a home in Tokyo Bay."

However hard she tried to keep it dry and happy, a lone tear did drip out..

Candy: "Why.. I appreciate all this, big sis!"

After another quick sister to sister hug, Rin had something else to share..

Rin: "Also.. Nash-san wants us in France next week. Just a friendly meet with the Initiative, all paid for. As for my Jake.. he doesn't mean well when it comes to what he does in Augur, but.. I will keep him in check for our sakes. I promise."

And done with her work, Rin gets up, not quietly, however..

Rin: "But for the next couple days, Moto-san wants my company. I'm not too familiar with Ginza, so.."

Candy: "Shop till we drop?"

Rin: "You read my mind, little sis! How's tomorrow sound?"

Candy: "Sure! Sure! Don't forget to bring Moto-san."


It's a Sleeper alright. Just.. very very limited in usefulness on the whole. So it's not there for me. Not yet, I guess.

But to call it a Beater is unfair. Now, while the Esseesse I say is a Beater, it's because.. I didn't enjoy it as much as this one. Not to mention its only saving grace aims to put you in the ER as badly as your wallet.

Like the MB, I suppose Neutral is fair. Maybe I'll see if a swap will reinvigorate this idea.


This is mainly exposition the episode. Mainly because this has been a busy busy week for me in real life.

I hope if next week's car is exciting, it'll reflect on the writing.

As the main character, Candy Lam is bound to appear in every segment, be it either as the lead role, or as a small mention.

The infamous Sweet Toothed Lone Wolf of Asia, or known worldwide as Le Glace Pacer. While her social presence is significantly poor, her presence on the track hasn't been short of perfection, now under the pressures of being a monetary source of higher powers, as well as her role being the most prime form of woman racers.. But don't let her hear that.

Theme Song: Def Leppard - Bad Actress
Racing Duel Music: Def Leppard - Nine Lives
Gender: Female
Nationality: Hong Kongese
Age: 30
Current occupation: Professional racecar driver
Distinct features: Long, clean, straight ashen hair tied to a ponytail via traditional red braids. A stiff, stoic Asian beauty that starts to show sign of wrinkling, covered by heavy layers of makeup. Thin, rounded diamond face, with various beauty signs of it being worked on unnaturally, especially her unblemished small snub nose, heavily lipsticked mouth and thin brown Asian eyes. Short body with small proportions.
Choice of clothing: Typical modern glossy sleveless Hong Kong dress, but 90% she will have her favorite on, that's in blood red with a white bauhinia pattern on, with matching sandals. Most of her clothes and themes come in red or white.
Cars: Toyota GR Yaris 1st Edition RZ "High Performance", MINI Cooper S, Honda NSX Type R '02, Mazda Demio XD Touring

Even though she's a proud Hong Kongese, Candy is actually born in high society Tokyo, and more exposed to living in a usual Japanese lifestyle. An only child, it was easy to find herself spoiled rotten from a young age, getting what she wants and not caring how it got there, thanks to wealth she inherits strongly. Her father notably was an executive in Toyota's racing division.

A target in her younger ages, Candy's early life was full of trouble from others that are against her being a Hong Kong native in Japan. She never made any friends as a result, and this loner habit of hers remained even after changing schools, going so far to even give her a new alias. While her parents have a strong standing in the society she lived in, she remained in their shadow, because she couldn't find comfort out of it.

Upon reaching her adult days, Candy's first 'milestone' would come when an incident in a high class event caused her to run, leading to a manic police car chase spanning several weeks before she was arrested. The victim of these events would have deep ties with various Yakuza families. While her parents retreated to Hong Kong, Candy stayed in Japanese prison, learning that if nothing needs to come her way, she needs to learn something she initially dreaded to do: manipulate the human mind, a state of thought she was once a victim of.

After her sentence, she regained her freedom, and it didn't take long that was noticed by the city's largest street racing community. Still with her inherited wealth, she started off strong in the streets. Years then pass, in which she eventually proves herself as a top competitor for racing in many top endurance races worldwide.

While her fans are out there in many parts around for being a woman dominating a man's sport, she's not exactly a great social interactor, and is a nobody outside the racing community. With many questions still left unanswered, maybe there are more ulterior motives with the unsanctioned blue MINI project..

Tech savvy geek with a forte in extreme sports. While her chaotic nature always gets her into situations unwanted, her overall innocent and kind upbringing gets her to be responsible of being the only one capable of lighting up the complete darkness in her husband's inner struggles for a final identity.

Theme Song: Muse - Guiding Light
Racing Duel Music: Eurythmics - Would I Lie To You?
Gender: Female
Nationality: Japanese
Age: 29
Current occupation: Interpol special operative
Distinct features: Medium, layered bob burgundy hair. Athletic, slightly wide diamond face. Brown hooded eyes, thin almond nose and a small mouth. A natural beauty with a small layer of makeup that exists only to hide her eyebags. Thin profile with an average height, and above average proportions.
Choice of clothing: Always wears a bespoke pair of sporty earphones. Never with a distinct fashion style due to her clinging as a master of disguise, even though she's more of a master of imitation. Most of a time she's with a sporty crop top, denim skirt with tight sporty arm socks, leggings and sports shoes.
Cars: Lexus LFA, Lexus RC F, Daihatsu Copen

Rin started off life in Tochigi. Not even years in, she has been diagnosed with a minor mental defect which hampered her thought processes. While it didn't get in the way of her everyday living, it prompted her parents to remain her a single child. It did get her to do the occasional odd and unusual behaviour. Aspiring to be the family's model child, she didn't let her setbacks bring her down. A top grading student with impressive feats in athleticism, and to remain incredibly pretty; you can say all these good things about her, it's supposedly impossible.

With her mother, love was unconditional, but her father seems held back. Further on in her teen life, she would find out aside his day job that he's a well known, on and off street racer. The relationship would sour further, but that changed in the aftermath of when she decided it's time to see if she can do better. Acing her driver's test was one thing, but immediately sneaking out and winning a Clubman Cup event in Motegi was the next.

Rin would head to the UK instead of local institutes for higher education, but it was a guise as her father wanted to protect her from local troubles stirred by his actions. Away from home, this would be a pivotal era for her development. An old friend became her starting point in racing. She would meet certain individuals, including her husband to be. But also came a criminal group that wanted to exploit her near perfect genetics, with these events causing mental damage, and giving way to her chaotic shifts in mood.

She would make her escape in marriage, prompting her to stay in California. The paranoia didn't stop there. On the first chance she could, she started working as a police officer, even deciding to adopt identities and learn imitation. But her fears did arrive. They staged an accident, and before she got taken away, she escaped, leaving everything behind for a long 7 years. This time was used for her to anonymously hone her racing to a whole new high, protected by Interpol.

And gladly, that time is over. But a lot has changed. Most importantly: her father has died. Initially succeeding him by joining FIA GT racing, she failed to inquire an investigation on how he left a legacy behind in the form of Candy..

The newest member of infamous street racers The List so happens to be one country bumpkin that puts his charm above all else to any sweet talking, pretty lady he finds, whether they like it or not.

Theme Song: The Alan Parsons Project - Psychobabble
Racing Duel Music: Cinderella - The More Things Change
Gender: Male
Nationality: American
Age: 28
Current occupation: Stunt actor
Distinct features: Blonde hair, often slicked upwards to a folded twirl, revealing his charmed, rugged diamond face. Small green eyes behind medical sunglasses, with a chubby hook nose and a wide mouth that drastically puts a nasty idea to his often showing grin. Average height, with slightly wide profile. Skin is blemished in many places. Always chewing wheat.
Choice of clothing: Never consistent, but it's always action oriented. He can be wearing a tank top, to army fatigues. His lower body usually has khakis and combat boots. Has an affinity for orange. Wears special sunglasses due to an incident that damaged his eyesight.
Cars: Plymouth Superbird, DeTomaso Mangusta, Maserati Merak SS

This ravishing, but honest down to earth lover was born from a long line of the first Dutch immigrants to America of the 19th Century. Being a rural countryman of Illinois descent, Carlyle hasn't been of note in the racing world. But everyone around him know this man can get into the career without issue, as he's got the moves thanks to his long experience as a prime stunt actor of a small Los Angeles movie studio: Aurea Signum Studios. And one mantra that follows would be how that studio never fakes their stunts. Carlyle specializes in the vehicular aspect of this, notably, aside from women, he gets his arousing fix through high speed chases.

How Carlyle manages this is due to his family's ties with the classic car communities all over America. He's never without his Superbird ever since he turned 16, and it's always seen nearing 200 MPH. No doubt this would lead to how he's a frequenter to the police stations all over the nation, taking chances to just woo at just about any woman he sees within. Most commonly, that would be in central Los Angeles, where his own mother works at, and he would meet a significant link: a Japanese officer living in America, who has ties with the most infamous street racer in the nation.

A night stint of The List was interfered when Carlyle made their legendary speedster sweat with nitrous behind them. Not only did it get him a spot on The List, codenamed "Hot Shot" as per their rules, but he would prove invalauble as team support, along with being a creative thinker stemming from his army cadet youth, especially if he'd be deluded to say women were on the line.

In fact: a figure such as he somehow carries major weight in the underworld, particularly being the man to go to procure older cars, be it a used car or a Hagerty appraised classic. There are strong suggestions his role in the classic car communities are just a front for smuggling, but rumors remain as rumors.

Bohemian Like You plays

Once part of the greatest street racing crew in the UK, Sonny's now a key player in The List's day to day finances. While these days, he's started a long running racing career, leading to a gigantic bounty of success. This egotistical, proven all around badass comes forward as the most divisive top racing figure in the USA.

Theme Song: Rush - Vapor Trail, The Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
Racing Duel Music: A Silent Truth - Chariot (Daycore)
Gender: Male
Nationality: Half Singaporean, half American
Age: 32
Current occupation: As he would state it: a mother[BLEEP]ing racing celebrity
Distinct features: Curled, black medium long hair, always semi-shiny. Handsome, diamond Asian like face and skin tone, with a long stubble combined with a Zappa. Narrow angled grey eyes that shine when he wants to, subtle upturned nose, and hair surrounded mouth. Overcompensating perfect teeth that glares when he wants to. Slightly taller, semi slim build, with mild developed muscle.. also that gleam when he wants to.
Choice of clothing: Usually in biker style clothing, including leather all around with an undershirt.
Cars: Dodge SRT Viper GTS, Chevrolet Camaro Z28, Ferrari 288 GTO, GT By Citroen Road Car

While he might have a Singaporean father, his work as a presidential bodyguard means Sonny's an all American citizen. Birthed in Washington, he moved to California when he was still very young. There, he would meet the eventual leader of The List, and befriend him, being his social contact that would relate with him as that man would darken. On the contrary, Sonny remained as optimistic as he always has been.

But his optimism didn't carry over to his education, where he was often the main culprit of racism as an issue there. It was then he would learn, then utilize his famous mantra of always being one step ahead. By using his birthday gift: a 69 Camaro, he would cause what he would dub as the best graduation day ever: getting just about every nemeses in his school driver license suspensions, while he gets away scot free. Due to this epic win, his egoist side would rise from then onwards, possibly never reaching a ceiling.

It wouldn't stop there. Applying to study in London found itself to be a costly move, and he would bring said Camaro over the Atlantic to begin street racing in those streets just to break even. And past that, UK's top street racing crew known as the Prophecy would take attention, and adopt him as the first ever mentored student, known as a Chosen. Even though Sonny did graduate with middling honours and is ready for adult life, he chose to spend his earnings to chase his hobbies, and to everyone's surprise: it would end up being his life's work, with his unshakeable ego and skill would put him in the podium spot of any racing field he touches.

In addition to his successful racing career, he took on the role as The List's main income source, internally codenamed "Chimera". In recent years, Sonny's momentum has been halted when his mother passed, and now has a mission to find the Mrs. Meng to succeed even further than just his wealth and fame. These days, while he might be the badass he claims, he's also bound to lure in all sorts of trouble, such as the bad luck he's known for among his divisive peers, alongside his, what he dubs: 'favorite hostile secret admirer' in Nirvana.

Veteran racer of many fields, and a policing agent of a small investigation squad that studies the potential criminal element developing within the FIA. To the public, he's just an Italian funny man who enjoys pulling pranks and regularly teases his many peers and colleagues, with a similar enthusiasm in being the greatest of his policing work.

Theme Song: Santana - Everything's Coming Our Way
Racing Duel Music: Deep Purple - Burn
Gender: Male
Nationality: Italian
Age: 34
Current occupation: Interpol agent
Distinct features: Long gelled back dark brown hair. Macho rectangular face. Droopy green eyes, with a rigid shaped thick nose and well shaped thick lipped mouth. Lower face is covered in a thin layer of hair.
Choice of clothing: A buttoned up t-shirt, his smart watch and his tight but flexible jeans is what's consistent. His overall fashion style is simple and convenient, as he never overdresses.
Cars: Lamborghini Huracan, Lancia Delta HF Integrale

The runt of 4 children in a prominent Milanese family, Bernardo lived the high life from day one. However, that high life came with a price. His father and mother were capos of a large mafia family, and the children were raised to succeed them. Bernardo only wanted one wish: to live a normal life with all this wealth rather than fight it off on the streets. He even was unsure his family, sucked into the life of crime, was even part of being a family with him. Even though that fact remained as he learned along how this works, the family life was good for him.

He never really worried about that until he gotten into adulthood. Turns out his parents were using their power as capos to build their own wealth, but knew that they would eventually be found out. Instead of keeping it, Bernardo finds himself escaping with a hefty share to the UK, where his first move was to contact local police to assist. Taken in by his honesty and how he forsaken the inherited money, they decided he can be used to soften the mafia families. To do so, Bernardo eventually gotten himself into higher education so he can become a decorated officer. This period was a pivotal one, meeting a darkened man, his optimistic friend, and a pacifist military commander. This is where he believes his real family starts. The short 3 years with them got him his signature trait: to be a nasty cheerful prank.

Post graduation, Bernardo became a decorated soldier against crime. Promotion after promotion, he eventually got to Japan as part of Interpol, beginning an investigation between various Yakuza families making suspect safe bets to make hoards of money off various sources. Not only was this the time he met his future wife, this is where he gotten himself into GT racing, personally trained by select figures. He didn't make a huge success, but her eventually landed a position as a race manager for a new fledgling team with his wife. This effort would mainly be on and off, as his newly initiated role to investigate the FIA's events remain his focus.

A.K.A. Jing Mei Chunhua. An Interpol agent who's once a disgraced worker, now looking to regain what honor she has lost. A sassy, habitually laughing clown who keeps together a thin line on keeping apart the worldwide authorities and the underworld she once made her name with.

Theme Song: Nero - My Eyes
Racing Duel Music: Pendulum - Plastic Eyes (feat. Fats and TC)
Gender: Female
Nationality: Half Japanese, half Chinese
Age: 30
Current occupation: Interpol agent
Distinct features: Yellowish pale skin. Black, medium well kept hairdo with hair buns. Thin triangular face, with angled, unnerving asian brown eyes, small nose, and a large, curved mouth that can expand greater than it looks. Small beauty mark on her chin. Slightly taller height, with a slim, thin build.
Choice of clothing: Always with a cheongsam, but what color it is depends on her mood, with matching hair bun ribbons, chinese makeup, embroidered slippers/sandals and dark leg high stockings.
Cars: Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X Final Edition Gr. B Road Car

Izumi's started off being born as Jing Mei Chunhua within the many wards of Yokohama. She might've grown up with a brother, but their differences set them apart, most notably in terms of their ancestry. Naturally Izumi would be more towards her mother's side, who's a Japanese industry worker in the growing electronics market. While despite their differences in skin, the family's managed to keep together well.

Up until their parents moved on to retire, Izumi would end up studying to become a politician. However, upon realizing the desk work wasn't for her, like her brother, she would instead go for policework. However, after years of work and sacrifice paying off, Izumi became one of the best undercover policewomen within the Tokyo region. As she moves ahead that step and goes international, she then found of her brother's growings as the Vulture of infamy, who built a gigantic financing corporation that usually plays a dangerous game with the large Yakuza families within Tokyo.

She's never thought of him as someone to love, but while she thought to protect her brother, she would often find herself in that stressful divide of being an upstanding officer, and a loving family member of her small family. As it goes on, she would develop pseudobulbar affect with the many risks and pulls she has to manage, causing her to laugh in random and violent tendencies. This would continue until one day her greatest fears would come true: her arrest is due, and also reveals that she's been in contact with larger criminal players around the world as an accomplice within Interpol: particularly the Assassin's Guild before their hostile takeover.

While her brother serves in prison, Izumi was granted a special kind of parole in which she would continue her work, but would face life in prison should that she's found to return to her roots. Thanks to a man she's met dealing with a Yakuza family before, she would move on and mentor a small Interpol team, of which includes her savior's wife. That was 2 years ago, and while not much has changed in terms of her personality, she believes going the straight and narrow is the way to reforge the binds of family with her brother.

A technological marvel with a sharp finesse in her life ending work that got her the moniker of the Killer of Killers. Formerly the most sought out assassin for hire, she now lives in refuge under a guise, hoping nobody would find her unless you have a problem and no one else can help..

Theme Song: KMFDM - Professional Killer
Racing Duel Music: KMFDM - Virus (Pestilence Mix)
Gender: Female
Nationality: French
Age: 30
Current occupation: Maid? (obviously in disguise, she's actually the self proclaimed greatest assassin in the world)
Distinct features: Black, medium well combed right side bob, aggressively blonde when portraying her maid Minori personality. Smooth triangular face. Thin green almond eyes, thin tall nose with wide tip, and narrow mouth. Slight perky, blemished cheeks. Shiny white teeth that seem unnatural (actually bombs). Bright caucasian skin, with average height, weight and proportions. Small creases over arms and legs (actually hidden blades).
Choice of clothing: Your usual frilly maid outfit (definitely not intended). Outside, she's usually wearing a dark colored halterneck blouse/tank top, with black jeans and comfort slippers. Wears a red butterfly clip (actually a hidden knife), a golden set of bangles on her left hand (actually a hidden taser), and a large banded watch on her right (hiding the barrel of a hidden gun in her arm)
Cars: Ferrari F40

Perhaps the most well known member of the Assassin's Guild that serves as the example to not follow for any prospective killer due to her actions of infamy. Taking on a rural upbringing just out in the hillsides of the Pyrenees, this killer to be had a name, and being the only child of a family. Taken by an unknown sickness, her father left the family, forcing her to migrate with her mother to find better pastures. While they found refuge within a millionaire's estate, the man was a predator by the definition, taking his mother to satisfy his pleasures while the lone child would run away finding that truth out with intents to exploit it. Being on the lam by child police and this richman's associates, she learned to not only hate men, but also to hide and survive.

She would then meet one of the very few men she can respect: a Catholic priest who took her in. Informing him of her farmland origins, the christened Gino would come through living on and off the sanctified church grounds, using this time to hone her athletic and martial skills. However, as she came to adulthood, the men in pursuit of her finally caught up, and further her hatred of these people by not only destroying anything she comes to contact with, but also using their influence and wealth to frame her for that act. To get back at these people, Gino would conduct the perfect crime: one she's been planning ever since her arrival. To get this near impossible task done is to help kindle her inner perfectionist, but put her on the most wanted list in the country.

Her escape all the way to the southernmost side of the country got the attention of the Richelieu family, who would massively profit of these crimes indirectly, and thus led to their favor for her. Befriending the profit minded alpha and her wine loving little brother, the once again renamed Ginoa had revenge in her heart, now striking anyone who would exploit the poor, declaring herself a self serving assassin based by the Richelieu's turf. Her most pivotal moment in this career came when she was to bring to the end of an experimental surgeon: the man who would grant her artificial augmentations of her body who apparently was a high ranking member of the Assassin's Guild. This eventual clashing would lead to her joining, as well as the birth of the Trinitia L'Assassina that stemmed from their efficient, effective service.

Within this organization and thanks to the jealousy of the Richelieu matriarch, Ginoa finds herself travelling all over the world, even mastering a roster of languages, but these days finds herself hiding away in the center of Los Angeles, unwilling to step out of this shadow for the amounts of deathly gazes awaiting to end her. She did however learn two more important life lessons thanks to a few close friends, inclusive of The Black Flash, her short gang leader lover and an angry fellow known as The Messiah: vengeance is a strong motivator, and similarly so is love.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.